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Epiteto (Filósofo Grego, 50-130 a.C)

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Márcia Campiolo

Foto: Carmen Kley

Márcia R. F. Campiolo is a Psychologist specialized in Human Resources Administration, former university lecturer and active for more than 23 years in the Psychology field, having a long experience in development and management of business programs.

Inside companies, she had developed innumerous projects in her specialty area, in addition to delivering lectures and courses involving the management of people in the business area.

Since 1996, she is devoted exclusively to managing medical clinics, making use of her experience in the business area to adapt and develop specialized projects in the management area, being also a manager of one medical clinic.

She had delivered lectures and courses in conferences and other events in the medical field, whose themes deal with the comprehension of the Management processes, excellence in serving clients, training and continued education for staffs, educational programs of relationship with clients, in addition to other programs which aim to professionalize the

management of clinics as well as its provided service.

Today, she is one of the Publishing Directors of SBAO – Brazilian Society of Administration in Ophthalmology – 2006-08 and a member of ASOA - American Society of Ophthalmic Administrators. She is the author of “Management of the Medical Clinic – Developing and administrating high quality systems to serve the client”, which is directed to doctors and managers of medical clinics in general, published in May, 2007 by Cultura Médica do Rio de Janeiro.

All articles are written by Marcia Campiolo and can not be altered or republished without the permission of the author.

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